Andre Parinaud, Art Critic

The destiny of a painter with his miracles, his chance, his luck, the liberty attitude and determinism, is the perfect symbol of human history.

Baron-Renouard’s painting is for me, each time an opportunity to contemplate this certainty. The paintings are the mirror our irrational logic which leads of lives. .

What would be these virtual landscapes, this internal world, this colours and forms mixture, this maestrum of energy incarnated in a painting, if spirituality did not dominate the hand of the creator. What Baron-Renouard delivers me are, at the same time, the maze of his mental power to be conceived, his capacity in calligraphy, his cosmic sense, his love for matter, and always-by inviting us to take part at the privileged moment of the creation he tells us an essential truth: we are not here by chance in the universe, ephemeral entity with no beginning, and no end, a simple foam at the surface of time.

The work of Baron-Renouard’s thanks to the pace and rythms, the melody value, the harmony in chaos, establishes superior connivance which raises up the signal of the absolute in the devil’s cauldron.

Andre Parinaud
Art Critic