Henry Galy-Carles, Writer : Abstract and imaginary naturalism

Seven years in the officer corps, during the last war, made Baron-Renouard sensltIve to the flowing atmosphere of the region he used to flyover, views high above horizon at a thousand-meter altitude, at the nature’s breath and greatness ; this feeling would be found once more in a work demonstrating sharp sense of cosmic dimension, impregnating, in spite of themselves, those who had practised aviation. If these causes allow us to understand the work characteristic of the artist, definitely he wasn’t capable at the beginning to master pictorial expression, but after an evolution quite significant, originally figurative, because progressively representative of what we call «Abstracted Imaginary Naturalism».

Re-apprehension can only be revealed by «imaginary» channel, it means that the artist not being in front of motif, can only recreate it by projecting on the canvas all kind of feelings he had collected previously, when he was staring at the motif or landscape: tactile feelings, olfactory ones, visual ones, auditory ones, those transformed by psychical phenomenon ; then after stored in memory, after then «decanted» by alchemy of subconciousness, and eventually transcribed in a special way.

His work, transgressing simple psychological manifestation of joy of living or exaggerated tragic suffering, reveals: balance, unity, force, showing he’s in full possession of his faculty as a simple man or as a painter, showing he can dominate immediate psychical motions, through his mind no feeling will be filtered which is not consistent with his personality as a «aware man» he wants to be above all : harmony, density, balance, mastery. Great artist, skillful, Baron-Renouard, one of the best representative of the «abstracted» imaginary naturalism, he is a kind of painter, the most typically French, regarding his skills.

Henry Galy-Carles